
Estancia Von Zillenstein ligt op de Argentijnse Pampa. Hier, temidden van grazende kuddes en wat maté drinkende gauchos, zijn mijn belevenissen uit El Sur del Sur, het meest zuidelijk gelegen land op aarde, terug te vinden.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chasing windmills...ehhh, molinos

After taking on those who hoard milk, and those who claim that Simon Bolívar died of natural causes, Hugo Chávez is now facing down The English Language. English words are not be used any longer by public servants. No more "marketing" and "password," now its "mercadeo" and "contraseña."

However laudable protecting the Spanish language may be, introducing ukases and banning words is hardly the way to go about it. If they really want to promote the language the Venezuelan government should consider better education and quit bullying the press.

Besides, if anyone in Venezuela peppers their speech with English, surely it's old Hugo. Wasn't it he who greeted that other staunch anti-imperialist from Cuba with the words "Fidel, how are you!"


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