
Estancia Von Zillenstein ligt op de Argentijnse Pampa. Hier, temidden van grazende kuddes en wat maté drinkende gauchos, zijn mijn belevenissen uit El Sur del Sur, het meest zuidelijk gelegen land op aarde, terug te vinden.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cuba Column

After missing a few installments due to my being stuck on a bus somewhere in the Andes, I'm back to writing my weekly column on Latin America for the Buenos Aires Herald. As always I'll be posting them on the day they appear over on Latam Watch. Here's a jpeg of today's, this time on Cuba. You might find the forecast a bit far-fetched and I'm sure the learned Cuba watchers will shoot holes in it, but frankly I think nobody has a clue about what will happen next, or what's going on in the mind of Raúl Castro c.s.

Check out the new Herald layout... nice!


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